This isn't your typical blog. Well in some eyes it could be. The purpose of this blog is to better my online writing and broadcast it on a more structured aspect. I will be using this blog to cover sports drama, controversies and rumors. 

I chose this for a topic because gossip is such a major aspect of blogging and social media as a whole. So what other way to expose drama than through blogging, where you don't have any characters limits. 

Some people look at the major sports like the NFL, NBA, MLB and European Soccer Leagues and see a bunch of overpaid athletes. In my eyes, I see a bunch of material and issues that are only covered to a certain degree by news outlets like ESPN, Buzzfeed, and Bleacher Report. But my blog will attempt to dig further into rumors, gossip and important gossip within these sports.

The other purpose of this blog, is to become a more engaging writer. Usually when I write it's for educational purposes or leisure but I feel at times it doesn't help better my skills. 

In all, I hope to better my writing skills, become a popular writer and gain some sort of publicity with such a dicey choice of subject matter to cover.